A. The collagen supplements you may need to add to your own health kit depends on their origins, reliable and ethical vendors, your physical activity, DNA indicators, lifestyle, health, and individualized needs.
It is so easy to reach for a package marked collagen on a shelf. But if you are an informed buyer you will be checking out the label and website. Look for the origins, contents, and credentials of the suppliers. Look for a guarantee label. Look for a reputable company with substantial premises in full operation, not a back door facility where someone is hoping to capitalise on health trends.
Snake oil vendors are two penny all over the world. Too many people have been buying honey for example in heavily commercialised plastic bottles. This so-called honey turns out to be a highly processed mixture of glucose, fructose, dextrose, maltose, and a host of other ingredients with a small percentage of honey. Those additive ingredients which disguise sugar in volumes enough to harm a diabetic never mind that of a perfectly healthy person should be avoided at all costs.
Do not contaminate your body with disguised refined sugars, additives, flavourants, and carbohydrates that can do your body harm. The same rule applies to any supplement you buy not only collagen. Be alert. Your body has been described as a temple. Treasure it by choosing wisely within any food purchase.