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Radiance Bioactive Collagen 150g Savings Bundle



The perfect beauty care.

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60 Day Supplement

Radiance Bioactive Collagen address the main concerns of women with regard to aging skin: elasticity and firmness, as well as wrinkles and cellulite, representing a real alternative to all available anti-aging measures, due to the relatively short period of time needed to achieve visible effects. The bioactive peptides of Radiance are the result of a highly specialised enzymatic treatment, under very specific and controlled conditions to end up with a composition of specific amino peptides optimized for targeted benefits. Research suggests Radiance Collagen affects the Collagen in the dermis rather than just the outer layers of the skin.

It is maximized for optimal stimulation of fibroblasts in the skin and can stimulate skin metabolism and counteract the loss of collagenous extra cellular matrix from the inside. Aging means skin derma collagen loss increases as high as 2% per year after menopause. Consumers who ingest Radiance Bioactive Collagen peptides, specifically optimized for beauty applications can experience noticeably firmer and smoother skin with fewer wrinkles and improved skin surface structure reducing cellulite and faster nail growth with reduced chipping of nails.

Benefits of TAWA Labs Collagen

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